Crime Prevention, Campus Safety, Escort Service


  1. Lock your door when you leave, even if you are just going down the hall.
  2. Do not leave messages on your door indicating that you are away and when you will be back.
  3. If someone asks to use your phone for an emergency call, offer to telephone for them instead of allowing them access.
  4. Do not put your address or name on your key ring.
  5. Do not leave keys in hiding places.
  6. Call College Police at (540) 365-4444 to report suspicious persons or activity.


  1. Call College Police at (540) 365-4444 for an escort.
  2. Keep a cell phone with you if possible.
  3. Know locations of Emergency Call Boxes. See below for instructions.
  4. Avoid walking alone at night unless absolutely necessary.
  5. If possible, let someone know where you are going.
  6. Walk purposefully. Know where you are going and project a confident image.


  1. Always lock your car.
  2. Lock bikes to immovable objects or bike racks with hardened-alloy locks and chains or U-shaped locks.
  3. Do not leave tempting valuables or property visible inside the car. Lock them inside the trunk.


  1. When entering your car, have your keys ready as you walk to your car. Look inside before entering. Unlock and enter quickly, then immediately re-lock all doors.
  2. Stalled vehicle-others. Do not stop to help occupants of stopper or disabled vehicles. Continue driving to the nearest phone or use your cell phone to call for assistance for them.
  3. Stalled vehicle-yours. Raise the hood, then lock yourself inside your car. If available, use your cell phone to call for help. If someone stops and offers to help, remain in your car and leave your doors locked and windows up. Ask them to phone for help or say help is on the way. Do not worry about seeming rude.
  4. If followed, drive to the nearest police station or brightly lit business and ask for help.

The College Police Department provides escort services to student, faculty, staff, and visitors who want to be accompanied when walking across campus. Call (540) 365-4444 or proceed to the nearest call box.


    in front of Bassett Hall, Roberts Hall, Susanna Wesley Hall, Riddick Hall and Chapman Hall.

The College Police Department provides coverage 24 HOURS/DAY, 7 DAYS/WEEK.