Bodily Fluids/Bloodborne Pathogens

Bloodborne Pathogens (BBPs) are microorganisms, like HIV and the hepatitis B virus, that are carried in the blood and bodily fluids visibly contaminated with blood, including saliva, semen, vaginal secretions, and other such material where it is difficult to differentiate between bodily fluids. Vomit, urine, and feces are not considered hazardous unless they contain blood.

WARNING: Treat all blood and other potentially infectious materials as if they ARE infectious.

If you encounter blood or other bodily fluids, do not attempt to clean it up unless you have been properly trained for Bloodborne Pathogens clean-up and have the proper personal protective equipment to do so.

All housekeeping staff, Athletic staff, RAs, ACs, and College Police Officers have received the proper training. If necessary, call for Housekeeping assistance at (540) 365-4250.

Report potential exposure to BBPs to Tri-Area Community Health Center at (540) 365-4469, Campus Safety at (540) 365-4255, or to Human Resources at (540) 365-4235.